This fast growing timber bamboo is the best suited for growth in the Pacific Northwest. It can reach heights of 40-50 feet.

At sunset this bamboo glows like no other. It's truly breathtaking to behold in large runs such as this.

Not only does this screen block the condo's from the farm's view but gives the future tenants something nice to look at besides you.

This fast growing timber bamboo is the best suited for growth in the Pacific Northwest. It can reach heights of 40-50 feet.
Shangri La
A Tsunami of change has washed over the Lower Mainland. One day you're a sleepy little farm surrounded by towering trees and the next bulldozers and piledrivers are literally shaking the very foundation of the life you've worked so hard to build for yourself and your family.
We believe the resilient path of elegant concealment is the best response to inevitable encroachment. Bamboo is a vigorous and tireless ally in your quest for quiet autonomy.
Condo Concealment
Abbotsford, BC
Spring 2016